The Biennial Budget — Whitney Westerfield

Statewide· The debt service ratio is lower than what was proposed by the Governor and the House – 6.7%. · The structural imbalance is lower than what was proposed by the Governor and the House - $207.7 million. · Fully funds the increased cost of the actuarially required contribution (ARC) to the Kentucky Employees Retirement System and the Kentucky State Police Retirement System.

Affordable Care Act · The budget prohibits state funds from being used to implement Affordable Care Act.

K-12 Education · Provides close to $6 billion for SEEK appropriation . · Increases the SEEK base to $3,911 in the first year, $3,981 in the second year. · Unexpended SEEK funds will be applied to the KTRS. · Provides salary increases for public school teachers and staff. · Provides an additional $18.7 million in the second year for preschool children services for four-year-olds whose family income within 160% of the federal poverty level.

Postsecondary Education · Reduced funding by 1.5% rather than the 2.5% proposed by the Governor and the House. · Allows all KCTCS school to move forward with projects, funded by a combination of local contributions and student fees approved by the local KCTCS board.

State Employees · Approves the first pay raise for state employees since 2008.
